
Union List Members | Collection Comparison Project

January is always a time of planning for the new year - What craft will we doing for the spring holidays? What is this year’s summer reading theme? What does our budget look like for the rest of this fiscal year? In your planning for this year - consider an collection comparison project (aka an inventory) with PrairieCat this year. Have you done… Read More

ALERT: Change in Closed Dates | Winter Storm

ACTION: Informational Because so many of our member libraries are impacted by the coming winter storm, PrairieCat has added 12/22/22 and 12/23/23 as universal closed dates for ALL PrairieCat libraries. Entering these dates will prevent the accrual of overdue fines if applicable. Al items due 12/22/2022 through 12/23/2022 will have a new due date… Read More