
Job Post: User Experience Specialist

Looking for an almost virtual work environment with great work/life family balance? Are you seeking to work in a smaller, collaborative culture? Do you want great benefits including pension (IMRF) and professional development opportunities? If the answer is yes, this might be the opportunity for you! Click here to view the job post and apply!!

ALERT: Vega Discover Background Color

Update: This has been resolved. Vega Discover background pages should be reverted back to white.  Yesterday (4/24/) Innovative introduced the ability to change the background color of Vega Discover pages. While updating the server with this option, they seem to have changed all member Vega pages to have a linen/cream background color.… Read More

ALERT: Sierra Upgrade Scheduled April 9

Sierra was updated to 6.1 last night. The update was successful, and Sierra should be operating as normal. Sierra may take longer to start this morning, as new files will need to be downloaded for operation. Informational During the late hours of Tuesday, April 9, Innovative will be upgrading our system to Sierra 6.1. This is the latest Sierra… Read More

Complete Illinois State Library Certification - March 31

Action Required | Remember to Certify! The deadline for this year’s Illinois State Library Certification is on March 31, 2024. Annual certification is required of ALL library system members to retain system membership and eligibility for grants administered by the Illinois State Library, in compliance with Illinois statutes and administrative… Read More

PUG Day 2024 - Call for Program Proposals

PrairieCat Users Group Day (PUG Day) is an annual event dedicated to professional development, networking, and continuing education for member library staff.  PUG Day 2024 is virtual this year on Thursday, September 26 and Friday, September 27, 2024. The Engagement Committee is now accepting program proposals. Please consider presenting at… Read More

UPDATE: PrairieCat Website - Scheduled Maintenance 3/18

Scheduled work is being done on the PrairieCat website ( tonight 3/18 at 5:30 PM. There may be some downtime. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Holds issue with Capira mobile app

A problem was identified yesterday with the Capira mobile app: when users select a hold pickup location, that location is assigned to the next library on the list. So for example, New Lenox patrons may have the Nippersink library assigned as the hold pickup location. OCLC has identified the problem and corrected it. OCLC will be sending out a push… Read More

ALERT: Vega downtime March 13, 2 AM CST

ACTION: Informational We have been notified that Vega Discover will be down for maintenance for approximately one hour on March 13 at 2AM CST.  They are releasing a major update, and the system will be unresponsive at times during this period.

UPDATE: PrairieCat Website Upgrade - Feb 6

There are some known issues with the Events / Meetings and the Member Directory. There are duplicates and broken links. We are working with the website provider on this. (2/29/2024) Members should now be able to login using the Log in with Library Learning button on the log in page. (2/9/2024) The site was successfully updated, however, there is… Read More

NEWS: Winnebago PLD Go Live - Jan 24

Action: Informational Winnebago Public Library District will soon be going live on PrairieCat. Beginning today (Monday, January 22) Innovative will be loading Winnebago items into the database, and patrons will be loaded soon after. Winnebago Public Library is the 138th member in PrairieCat and joins as a Fully Participating member from a… Read More