Canceled: PrairieCat Training Committee Meeting

Canceled: Training Committee

This committee creates training resources for staff and patrons, reviews and recommends potential enhancements suggested by the PrairieCat staff and members for submission to Innovative, and reviews and recommends approved Innovative enhancements for voting by PrairieCat.


Who Should Attend: Members of the Committee and any other interested PrairieCat members.

Registration Link: Use the Zoom link to register: Register Here           

Meeting Documents: Visit the PrairieCat website to access meeting documents. 

PrairieCat Administrative Council Meeting

Administrative Council
Sandwich Public Library District (Sandwich Public Library District)

The Administrative Council is PrairieCat's board of directors and consists of 11 elected representatives from the Delegates Assembly. This governing body sets policy, receives and approves recommendations from the Ad Hoc and Standing Committees, and approves recommendations to go to the Delegates Assembly including new members, contracts, the budget and major purchases outside the budget.


Who should attend: Members of the Council and any other interested parties. This meeting is open to the public.

Meeting Documents: Visit the PrairieCat website to access meeting documents. 

Zoom Link

Additional File(s)

PrairieCat Resource Sharing Committee Meeting

Resource Sharing Committee
Senica's Oak Ridge Golf Club

This Committee recommends policy and procedures for resource sharing between libraries, striving to ensure fair and equitable practices that follow agreed PrairieCat resource sharing philosophies.


Meeting Documents: Visit the PrairieCat website to access meeting documents. 

Zoom Link


PrairieCat Delegates Assembly Meeting

Delegates Assembly
Senica's Oak Ridge Golf Club

This body approves the budget, contracts, new members and other major decisions for PrairieCat. Consists of a representative from each Fully Participating and Basic Online member as well as four Union Listing representatives acting as co-chairs of the Union Listing standing group. Each Fully Participating or Basic Online Member Library shall appoint its Chief Administrator or another staff member to act as the Fully Participating or Basic Online Member Library’s representative (“Delegate”) on the Delegates Assembly. The Delegate may also designate, in writing, an alternate to vote in their absence. No substitutes or proxies shall be allowed to vote in the place of a Delegate or their designated Alternate.


Who should attend: Participation in Delegates Assembly is required for Delegates or Alternates from each Fully Participating or Basic Online member of PrairieCat, and the four Union List reps. This meeting is open to the public.

Meeting Documents: Visit the PrairieCat website to access meeting documents. 

Zoom Link


PrairieCat Circulation Committee Meeting

Circulation Committee


This 11 member elected standing group discusses circulation and OPAC topics. It is empowered to make decisions on procedure and some policy decisions, and to make recommendations to Administrative Council for higher level policy decisions. It also reviews circulation procedures and works together to resolve circulation issues.


Who Should Attend: Members of the Committee and any other interested PrairieCat members.

Registration Link: Use the Zoom link to register: Register Here

Meeting Documents: Visit the PrairieCat website to access meeting documents. 

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