New Directors

Decorative exterior of moline public library

Exterior of Moline Public Library

Welcome new directors! As a new director at a PrairieCat library, please use these resources to ensure you are taking full advantage of the services and tools your library's membership in PrairieCat offers. Not only are there several benefits of membership in PrairieCat, there are several responsibilities and duties to know about. 

New Director at PrairieCat Library Checklist

Created and/or updated my info on L2 (Library Directory & Learning Calendar)  
Explored the PrairieCat website using individual L2 account logins for full access  
Subscribed to the PrairieCat monthly enewsletter  
Subscribed the PrairieCat news mailing list (new directors of circulating libraries are automatically added to the Delegates mailing list)  
PrairieCat Tools  
Know how to submit a PrairieCat help desk ticket  
Know how to log in to Sierra and the public catalog Vega Discover  
Verified that Net Support Notify is installed on library workstations  
PrairieCat Training  
Know my library's PrairieCat membership level and membership responsibilities  
Created a TalentLMS account for online PrairieCat training  
Reviewed PrairieCat Policies and Procedures   
Verified a staff person at my library is Item Entry Certified / or prepared to complete the Certification within 6 months  
Scheduled a virtual or in-person site visit / or attended a New Director Welcome meeting  


Resources for New Directors

Reaching Across Illinois Library System  
Subscribe to RAILS enews  
RAILS Member Center  
Illinois Library Association  
Subscribe to ILA Newsletter  
ILA Directors University  
Illinois State Library  
Resources for Libraries  
Illinois Public Library Annual Report