We opened a ticket with Innovative to find out why yesterday’s afternoon picklists didn’t got out. They discovered that the morning autonotices process that generates our notices ran more than 12 hours, preventing the 1pm version of the script from starting.
Innovative is continuing to look into why the process is taking so long, but until they get an answer they have shifted the afternoon start time to 2pm. This means that afternoon picklists are likely to be emailed out even later than they have been recently.
I apologize for the headaches this may cause with staff scheduling etc. and I’m hoping that Innovative will get this figured out quickly.
The continuing issue with Notices that are emailed to libraries ILL is also affecting the Failed Hold Calls. We were finally able to get those switched over to manual control and they were sent out a few minutes ago. I ran the script against all of the Failed Hold call reports that hadn’t gone out (7/23-7/27) so some of these holds may have already been otherwise processed by your staff.
The afternoon pick lists / paging lists started compiling at 3pm, 2 hours after their scheduled start time. This should put the last ones out around 4:30 if the timing holds.
PrairieCat has a ticket open with Innovative to get this sorted.
The notices appear to have run successfully and been emailed out to the patrons. However the script that emails the “print” notices to library’s ill emails is still failing. Innovative continues to look into why and PrairieCat is working on an alternative until it is fixed.
Innovative has been watching the autonotice process and they have been running correctly. They was an interruption when the afternoon picklists fired off, delaying the finishing of the morning notices, but they will start up again after the afternoon picklist have finished.
There ongoing issue with the script that emails notices to your xxxxill accounts is still being worked on. They don’t have an estimate on a fix for this yet.