Union List Members | Collection Comparison Project

Submitted by Elizabeth Smith on

January is always a time of planning for the new year - What craft will we doing for the spring holidays? What is this year’s summer reading theme? What does our budget look like for the rest of this fiscal year?

In your planning for this year - consider an collection comparison project (aka an inventory) with PrairieCat this year.

  • Have you done a weeding project at your agency and updated your shelf-list and maybe didn't update Sierra?
  • Are you tired of receiving hold requests in Sierra (or in OCLC) for titles that you no longer own?

Working on a collection comparison will resolve those "ghost" items in PrairieCat (and in OCLC too)!

Last year the following agencies requested item lists to start their collection comparisons. Kudos to three of the members that even completed their inventory review last year!

  • Annawan-Alba Public Library
  • Eastland CUSD 308 - Elementary School [Near completion]
  • Eastland CUSD 308 - High School [COMPLETED]
  • Forreston Public Library [COMPLETED]
  • Lanark Public Library
  • Moline SD 40 - High School [COMPLETED]
  • Pearl City CUSD 200
  • Raymond A Sapp Memorial Township Library
  • Sheffield Public Library

Previously completed

  • Boylan Central Catholic High School
  • Kirkland Public Library
  • Milledgeville High School

Any questions about the Collection Comparison project, loaning/borrowing, Sierra, PrairieCat – just ask us, we're here to help! Submit a help desk ticket with your question or inquiry about a Collection Comparison project.